
Upcoming Events

January 5 - 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chad Weaver

January 8 -  9:30 AM - Sewing Circle - hot lunch provided

January 12 - 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chris Mummau       Worship Team 

January 15 - 9:00 AM - LIFT - Round Table Discussion may include topics of parenting, cooking, cleaning, and more.  Come with some questions and get ideas from other ladies.  Ladies of all ages welcome.  Child care is provided for infants through preschool.  A monitored homeschool room is also provided for young school age children.  

January 19 - 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chad Weaver

January 26 - 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chris Mummau       Worship Team

January 26, 7:00 PM - Hymn Sing at Lauver's Mennonite Church

February 2 - 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chad Weaver

February 5, 9:30 AM - Sewing Circle - hot lunch provided

February 5, - No Bibles and Brushes 

February 8 - 10:00 AM - 3 PM - Winter Art Camp - Check out the art camp tab.

February 9, 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chris Mummau         Worship Team

February 16, 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chad Weaver

February 19, 9:00 AM - LIFT - Bingo - Get ready for a fun morning of laughter and BNGO!  Win prizes, play for fun, and be entertained by a humorous bingo caller!  Childcare provided for children from nursery through preschool.  A monitored homeschool room also provided for young homeschoolers.

February 23, 10:00 AM - Morning Worship - Speaker Pastor Chris Mummau         Worship Team