Find current photos on our Facebook Page.
December 19, 2022
Youth & Young Adult Christmas Amazing Race
Ladies Christmas Night Out at the American House, East Waterford.
December 13, 2022
August 28, 2022 - Surprise birthday for Pastor Chad
August 7, 2022 - Church in the Park at Little Buffalo
Summer Art Camp Program
Summer Art Camp, June 20 - 22, 2022
Congratulations to our recent high school graduated
February 13, 2022 - Installation of Pastors Chad Weaver & Chris Mummau
Pastor Chad Weaver
Pastor Chris Mummau and family
February 5, 2022 - Winter Art Camp
November 5 - Packing Christmas boxes for Operation Christmas Child
October 3 - Church Fall Picnic and Hay Ride at the Weavers
August 1, Sunday in the Park at Little Buffalo and church picnic
Summer Art Camp, June 14-16, 2021
CREW (Christian Recreation Everyone Welcome)
Ladies Christmas Tea
Church retreat highlights - held at Christian Retreat Center, East Waterford, PA, October 30 -
November 1, 2020
Pastor Appreciation - Pastor Keith and Jan
Annual Church Fall Picnic and hayride, September 20, 2020

"Ladies In Fellowship Together" LIFT
Speaker, "Journey with Depression" |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT" Parenting Roundtable, |
Cindy Mansberger, Executive Directors of Crossroads Pregnancy Center, |
Baby Dedication, |
Two Day Live Simulcast, January 2016 |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT" Christmas Brunch, December 2015 |
Harp music by Mary Hackenberger.
Christmas decorations around the church |
Christmas Caroling on a warm December night!! 2015 |
Food Pantry Donations, November 2015 |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT" Cultivating a Servants Heart in our Children, November 2015 |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT"
Painting Party, October 2015 |
Church Picnic, September 2015 |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT" assembled shoes
for Uganda children through "Sole Hope" September 2015 |
Ladies In Fellowship Together "LIFT" assembled shoes
for Uganda children through "Sole Hope" September 2015 |
Baby Dedication, August 2015 |
Church Service & Picnic at Little Buffalo State Park, August 2015 |
Children's Sunshine Group Camping |
Mennonite World Conference, July 2015 |
Vacation Bible School 2015 |
Summer Art Camp - A Work in Progress!! |
Summer Art Camp - Great Helpers!! |
Pastor Installation of Keith Graybill, May 31, 2015 |
End of Year "Chilly" Picnic
at LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) May 20, 2015 |
Children's Activities
JGA Mini Golf and Sunshine Group fishing, May 8, 2015 |
Garden Party at Linda's home, May 1, 2015 |
"Dumpster Diving To Find God's Purpose For My Life"
at LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) April 2015 |
Community Lenten Service at Lost Creek Mennonite Church, March 29, 2015
Live Painting by Judy Mummau. Watch video at |
Lenten Children's Stories about prayer, and Palm Sunday skit. |
Church life, spring 2015. |
Dramatic Readings during the Lent season |
We collected dozens of Relief Kits and collected money
toward MCC peace projects. |
March events for children: Spa Night for Junior Girls (JGAs)
and Visiting a Sheep Farm for Sunshine Group children |
Children's Activities: JGAs Movie Night
Sunshine Group Cookie Decorating and Games |
Baby Dedication and Worship Service 1-25-15 |
Secret Sister Meal 1-22-15
A delicious meal, beautiful decoration, fun games,
and a great time together. Thanks Lil!! |
Ladies In Fellowship Together (LIFT) Spa Day Event 1-25-15
Massages, Facials, Nails, Hands, and Foot Baths! |
Winter Fellowship Meal |
Christmas Eve Service 2014 |
Children's Christmas Program: December 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) December 2014 Event: Socializing |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) December 2014 Event: Ornament Craft |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) December 2014 Event: Christmas Brunch |
Christmas Caroling "Joy To The World" December 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) November 2014 Event: Essential Oils 101 |
Run For The Sun, Christian Motorcyclists Associations (CMA): November 2014 |
Sewing Circle Displaying Some of their 2014 Projects |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) October 2014 Event: Fall Craft - Jar Tinting |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) CELEBRATING 25 Years of Ministry! |
Children's Sunshine Group Barn Party, October 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) September 2014 Event: Salad Bar Social |
Fall Church Picnic, Hayride, and Horse Rides! September 2014 |
Little Buffalo Park "Rained Out." So, Indoor Picnic & Church Service, August 2014 |
Three Day ART CAMP for Children Ages 6-12, July 2014 |
Three Day ART CAMP for Teens & Adults, July 2014 |
Vacation Bible School!!! July 2014 |
Summer Picnic at Weaver's Farm, June 2014 |
Church Life, summer 2014 |
Banners hung in the church during Lent 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) April Event: Upcycling t-shirts |
Ladies Soiree Event, May 2014 |
Farewell to Pastor Sherman, May 2014 |
Fellowship Meal, May 2014 |
Children are active at church, spring 2014 |
Praising the Lord with beautiful singing, spring 2014 |
A few of the Sunday School classes, spring 2014 |
Church Life, spring 2014 |
Church Life Activities including giving to the Food Pantry, winter 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) March 2104 Event: How To Make Soap |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) January 2014 Event: Card Making |
Secret Sister Christmas Party, January 2014 |
Children's Activities: Winter 2014 |
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) Christmas Brunch, Dec 2013 |